Wednesday, November 12, 2014

63rd St. Red Phalarope!

In an already remarkable year for Red Phalaropes in Illinois, yet another one showed up, this time on the lakefront. Just to recap, over the months of August, September, and November, they have been reported from Chautauqua NWR (where they're reported annually), Lake Carlyle, Horseshoe Lake, Gridley Wastewater Treatment ponds, Hennepin-Hopper (my lifer!), Greene Valley Forest Preserve, Kane County, and now Jackson Park in Cook County. Amazing.

Notorious one day wonders, this particular individual found something it liked in the algae beds along the 63rd St. Beach and decided to stay for four days! I had already decided when I woke up yesterday morning that if the bird was reported again that I would have to find the time to go for it. It just so happened that Scott was working downtown so I was able to pick him up on the way and we got to enjoy this spectacle together. Perhaps the most amazing fact is that this wasn't even a year bird for either of us, though we were both quite pleased with the county lifer! Cook bird #234 for me, making it my highest county ever.

Red Phalarope
63rd St. Beach, Cook Co, IL
November 11, 2014

And the good birds just keep coming! What will November turn up next???

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